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     "The Study of Probability Theory stems from man’s inability and yet the
     need to comprehend the science of exactness."

                                                                                              Dr. Jeffrey C. K. Lim

 Seminars | Singapore

PCR02: Loan Management and Risk Monitoring 

Comments from past participants

"The seminar was good and the seminar facilitator brought his vast experience to the table with many real-life and practical examples."

- Ms. Jennifer Chong
ISA Technologies Sdn Bhd, Malaysia.
[Class of October 2007]


"The facilitator's background/experience adds a great deal of practical aspects in what to look out for in early warning indicators of risk, etc. and related areas."

- Ms. Sharon Koh
Royal Bank of Scotland, Singapore.
[Class of August 2009]


"Enjoyable session; good practical knowledge and cases to share."

- Ms. Vivien Ho Soo Leng
HVB Singapore Branch, Singapore.
[Class of August 2009]


"The facilitator was able to engage us. He shared his experiences with us which was very helpful. This course is a very practical seminar and I enjoyed it!"

- Ms. Foo Hui Min
DBS Bank Ltd, Singapore.
[Class of August 2009]


"The facilitator is engaging."

- Mr. Andy Chen Wei Yen
DBS Bank Ltd, Singapore.
[Class of August 2009]


"The seminar is good for supporting my current role in my current job. Learning how we assess and monitor our client, can help us lend money to the proper customer as well as call it back when we must..."

- Mr. Ruben Gandamihardja
PT Bank DBS Indonesia, Indonesia.
[Class of November 2009]


"This training is very useful for us, and for early determination of bad loans."

- Achiro Yulian Opereta
PT Bank DBS Indonesia, Indonesia.
[Class of December 2009]


"Very engaging and interactive. Explains complicated concepts in a simple, straightforward way, often illustrated by practical and interesting examples. "Out of the box" and enlightening approach which makes session easy to absorb and comprehend."

- Ms. Cheng Tan Ching
NIBC Bank Ltd, Singapore.
[Class of February 2010]


"It is a very concise and easy to understand class for learning the basics of Loan & Risk Management. It was made easy because the trainer Mr. Wong gave very practical examples to aid the learning. He also shared his many years of banking experiences that he came across to make us better understand what loan management is all about."

- Ms. Michelle Wong
Banque Internationale a Luxembourg, Singapore.
[Class of February 2015]


"Mr. Wong, the facilitator, was engaging and shared with us many real life examples which made the seminar interesting and easy to understand."

- Ms. Lee Chui Fong
BNP Paribas, Singapore Branch, Singapore.
[Class of May 2019]


"Very well-paced session and Informative!"

- Mr. Ted Ee Tiam Leng
The Bank of Nova Scotia, Singapore.
[Class of April 2021]


"I have a more in-depth understanding about loan management!"

- Ms. Lorjean Tai Jing Yi
China Merchant Bank Co. Ltd.
[Class of March 2025]


  • Be aware of the key issues in loan management.

  • Discussion on key steps in reviewing a loan.

  • Learn how to set up an early warning system.

  • Prevent problem loans by being able to recognize early warning signs.

  • Recognising and dealing with borrowers who overtrades.

  • Ensuring maximum recovery when encountering problem loans.

  • Know the key responsibilities of an account manager.

Seminar Facilitator(s)
(For complete profile, click on the name(s) below)

Mr. Adam K. K. Wong
B.Acc., FCPA, Certified Professional Trainer



This programme is approved for listing on the Financial Training Scheme (FTS) Programme Directory and is eligible for FTS claims subject to all eligibility criteria being met.

Please note that in no way does this represent an endorsement of the quality of the training provider and programme. Participants are advised to assess the suitability of the programme and its relevance to participants’ business activities or job roles.

The FTS is available to eligible entities, subject to all eligibility criteria being met and to existing grant caps. FTS claims may only be made for programmes listed on the FTS Programme Directory with the specified validity period.

Please refer to www.ibf.org.sg for more information.

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